New Students
New Students are always welcome. Join us during any of our scheduled classes for two free introductory sessions. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes suitable for strenuous exercise. Most of our students bring a bottle of water to rehydrate during very short breaks during class.
If you decide to become a student, there are several options. You can pay monthly or you can sign an annual contract which includes some additional benefits. The contract includes a free karate uniform (call a “gi,” a discount on the cost of membership paid by monthly students. There is also a family plan available contract for two or more family members in the same household.
Classes for Children: Sensei Warner recognizes that children benefit from instruction designed for their age, maturity, and physical ability. While teaching them the basic skills of Shotokan karate, he also teaches them discipline, self-confidence, how to pay attention and follow directions.
Parents: In order for your child to succeed, you must be an active partner with Sensei Warner. Your child will not improve without consistent attendance to class and regular practice at home of the techiques they learn while in class. Sensei Warner is counting on you to help them grow.
The Core Principles of Shotokan Karate direct each student:
To seek perfection of character
To be sincere and honest
To show spirit
To respect others
To refrain from violent behavior
Physical Benefits of Karate practice
Cardiovascular Endurance
Muscular Strength and Endurance
Greater Flexibility
Increased Speed and Power
Improved Balance and Agility
Better Coordination
Faster Reaction Time
Mental Benefits of Karate practice
Greater Self-Confidence
Better Concentration and Focus
Improved Self-Discipline
Better Manners
Increased Ability to Set and Acheive Goals
Increased Mental Toughness
Some key terms you will hear in class frequently:
Sensei: Teacher
Osu: Affirmative response to your Sensei
Dojo: The place where karate students train
Gi: Traditional clothing worn during the practice of karate
Dan: Step or rank i.e. 1st Dan
Mokuso: Formal moment of focus at the start of each class
Seiza: Formal command to assume a kneeling position
Kihon: Basic movements that are the foundation of karate practice
Jodan: Upper level / face
Chudan: Middle level / sternum or stomach
Gedan: Lower level / groin
Geri: Suffix following types of kicks, i.e mae-geri (front kick)
Kiai: A shout at the end of a technique to focus power and technique
Kumite: Formal practice with a partner
Yoi: Command to focus attention and be ready to attack
Kata: A series of sequential formal moves
Heian: The first group of katas taught to new students